Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh, Man...

My camera broke a couple of days ago. I am going through MAJOR withdrawal! I LOVE pictures! I even love to look at pictures of people I don't know. I am fascinated at the expressions, the mood, and the background stories behind the photographs. I certainly am no professional, like my friend Cynthia. I imagine her working for a magazine like National Geographic. She has an amazing eye and would come back from some exotic place with the most amazing photographs! BUT, I am a shutter bug. Sometimes I get lucky and take a good picture.

The girls and I FINALLY started therapy! I was looking forward to it, but after 2 sessions, I have realized that I am a very screwed up individual! I think it is going to take years for me to get my head together. In some ways, it doesn't seem worth the effort it is going to take. What else do I have to do, really?? The therapist is kind've a crotchety lady, but she asks questions which make me think. She is willing to listen to me.

My 2nd term at school has started with a bang! After the first week of reading in my Philosophy book, I am hooked! This crap is right up my alley. Especially now that I am questioning my beliefs and trying to figure out who I am. It seems to merge nicely with all the books I have been reading about religion, reincarnation and the afterlife.

My chemistry teacher looks just like my dad. He goes off on tangents like most good-natured hispanic people. During our first class, he asked each of us to give a brief description of ourselves to the class. After each person spoke, he would say, "Oh, I have a cousin who has worked as a physical therapist for years." or "My sister got her degree in criminal justice to spite her ex-husband, then refused to work in the field." He had a comment to add after each of us said something. He is a man after my own heart! He seems to use a common sense approach to teaching, which is great for someone like me.

My oldest is starting to speak Spanish at home! (Pisses me off because she refused to speak Spanish with me when I was in my class!) It is really cute. She has been having a rough time. Being a teenager is tough sometimes. Remember when you realized your parents were idiots? How in the world did they manage to raise you much less keep you alive?? That is where she is. I make it hard on her because I keep dropping the ball when she needs me.

I guess that is it for now. I have a pile of homework to finish and a dirty diaper to change.....

1 comment:

  1. You're a good mom. She knows it. She will know it more in the future. I am sorry your camera broke. That really sucks. I have been there - it's not fun. you take good photos. I like the expressions you capture. You are very kind to compliment my photography. I blushed when I read it.

    I wish I knew Spanish. Popie will pick it up very quickly.

    Keep up the therapy. It sounds like it is working. It's a slow process, so don't be discouraged, but always follow your heart. You know what you need more than anyone. The girls have good heads on their shoulders, and will know what they need, too. Just don't any of you ever give up on this.
