Thanks to my dear and beautiful friend, Becky, I am able to attach pictures to my post again! When my camera broke, she ordered a new one for me! She prentended not to know I broke my camera, and had me wondering what she bought for me for over a week! I was so surprised I almost peed my pants! She is a stinker, but I love her with all my heart! The camera is pink. I think this is the most hilarious thing ever! It works like a dream! I am still learning how to use it. It has a lot more options than my last camera.
So I have made it through the 2nd term! All b's this time. Not bad since I really didn't do much studying. I am glad to have a break before the insanity of the next term starts. The summer term will be my first with all college level classes. I am going to use my time off to work up a schedule for myself and the girls. I found out yesterday I weigh nearly 189 lbs! I need to get off my fat butt!
Diabetes has devastated my family as everyone is overweight. My dad's blood sugar is so high, his doctor is considering putting him on injected insulin. He has not been taking care of himself. He has been busy caring for his parents. Most of his brothers and sisters are taking turns spending the night with my grandparents. Pam's mom cleans their house and bathes them, my dad takes them to the doctor. My grandmother is going through kidney failure, and has an enlarged heart. It is a really sad situation. My dad is terrified every time he moves his mother from her bed to a chair because she has such a difficult time breathing. Her doctor has told the family she will die of a massive heart attack. I don't think my dad could handle it if she passed away on his watch.
MS update: Since the last time I posted, I have had mri's of my brain, neck, and spine. There does not appear to be any new damage to my brain. (WHOO HOOOO!!!) My neck and spine are free of lesions. I was hooked up to electrodes and watched flashing lights on a television screen (reminded me of the Apple computers we used to use in middle school). This test made my eyes flutter like I was having a seisure. Weird. Then they hooked up electrical stimulators to my legs and feet. This was really strange. Basically, they ran electricity into my foot which made my toes twitch. The sensation was a lot like your foot falling asleep and someone smacking it with a board. This was really painful! The reason they did this test was to measure the time it takes for the sensation to register in my brain. (MS patients have a delay) Both of these tests came out clear! The neurologist told me I would go on yearly MRI's (instead of every 6 months). I decided to have a spinal tap. I have been terrified of doing this for the entire 2 1/2 years since MS has been on the table, but I figure I don't want this hanging over my head anymore. I am trying to make a fresh start in the rest of my life. The spinal tap was easier than I thought it would be. I hoped they would sedate me, but I was completely sobor. It is weird laying on a bed knowing you are going to have a 4" needle stuck into your spine while you are completely aware of what is happening. I felt like I was being stapled to the bed. It was another really strange sensation. They took blood, too. They are testing the blood and my spinal fluid for a lot of things other than MS, like lupus. I will get the results on May 19th. I have a good feeling. I think the tests are going to come back clear, and I will be able to go on with my life!
The girls are doing great! The oldest has made a bunch of friends at school. Both are passing all of their classes. They are looking forward to summer break. The middle one is going to start softball in the next couple of weeks. It should be fun for all of us! Neither girl wants to help with chores. This is the only problem I have with them. They are 16 and 13 now. These are the ages I have been dreading since the day I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd. They bicker constantly. They steal each other's clothes and harass each other. The middle one has become very camera shy. I think this is hilarious since she has always been a ham in front of the camera. Both girls are in desperate need of a hair cut. My oldest is really self conscious about her pale skin. Yesterday she almost cried at the store because she wants to wear dresses and shorts, but her legs are ultra white. I told her there is no shame in having light skin. She replied, "I am NOT a white girl! That is not my heritage!". Viva la Raza! The middle one has always had darker skin, so she fits right in here. I am so proud to say Albuquerque is now the proud owner of the largest crime scene in American history! I watched America's Most Wanted the other night just to see the fabulous mesa on television. It looks like this pict was taken from that area. For those that don't know the area, we live within a mile of the base of this mountain. My dad lives up in the canyon just east of Albuquerque. I found this really beautiful picture of Albuquerque. Sunset is one of the most beautiful times of day here. We have been having beautiful weather this week. It should get into the mid 80's today.
The tiny girl has started talking a lot! She is a little chatter box. She says the funniest things and sings the cutest songs! Her favorites right now are: "Oh Man!" and "Stop it!". She uses the last one with her sisters all the time! I took her to the doctor yesterday. She is 3 feet tall! She is the size of a three-four year old. I have started potty training her. That is going okay. She is still not quite grasping the concept, but has gone pee pee in the potty three times! This is my favorite age. My favorite thing in the world is when toddlers start playing. I love to eavesdrop on the games they play when they think no one is watching!
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